Application Domains

Application Domains

Section: New Results

Polychronous modeling, analysis and validation for timed software architectures in AADL

Participants : Yue Ma, Huafeng Yu, Paul Le Guernic, Loïc Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin.

High-level architecture modeling languages, such as AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language), are gradually adopted in the design of embedded systems so that design choice verification, architecture exploration and system property checking are carried out as early as possible. We are interested in the clock-based timing analysis, modeling and validation of software architectures specified in AADL [15] . In our approach, we first analyze the timing semantics of AADL, from which the formal polychronous/multiclock semantics is derived thanks to the multiclock nature of AADL specifications. Thus users are not suffered to find and/or build the fastest clock in the system. This distinguishes from [45] , [37] , where synchronous semantics is a prerequisite. This polychronous semantics is then expressed via a polychronous model of computation (MoC) [8] covering both AADL software, execution platform, and their binding. In addition, AADL thread-level scheduling is also explored and integrated according to affine clock relations [58] . In the framework of Polychrony, C or Java code is generated from the polychronous MoC. Simulation can then be carried out for the purpose of performance evaluation and verification.

Polychrony provides the back-end semantic-preserving transformation, scheduling, code generation, formal analysis and verification, architecture exploitation, and distribution [2] . With the scheduler synthesis, the translated AADL model is complete and executable, and can be used for the following analysis and validation [15] : 1) static analysis, including determinism identification and deadlock detection; 2) profiling-based analysis of real-time characteristics of a system  [47] ; 3) affine clock calculus to analyze the affine relations between clocks  [58] ; 4) co-simulation of AADL specifications and demonstration using the VCD technique [60] ; 5) real-time scheduling and software/hardware allocation through the SynDEx tool [43] .

An automatic toolchain dedicated to AADL modeling, scheduling, time analysis, verification, and simulation has been implemented and also integrated as plug-ins in the Eclipse framework. This toolchain (referred to as ASME2SSME) has been migrated from AADL V1.5.8 to AADL V2.0, together with OSATE V2. An experiment of interpretation of AADL Behavior Annex (BA) is initially performed, so that the Behavior Annex plugin is integrated in the modeling and transformation.

The whole model transformation and simulation chain has been migrated to Eclipse Indigo and attached to Polarsys as an Eclipse RCP. A tutorial case study, developed in the framework of the OPEES project [21] , is adopted to illustrate the effectiveness of our contribution.